Customs Regulations

Get to know about Sri Lanka customs regulations and have a hassle-free travel experience. Here’re laws governing the movements of cultural & national heritage and fauna & flora.

Laws Governing the Movements (Imports & Exports) of Cultural & National Heritage





Customs Ordinance (Chap. 235) Ord : No. 17 of 1869 Amend. Act No. 2 of 2003 Sec 12, 
Sec B
Co-ordinates the application of written laws with Customs Ordinance.

Import & Export Control Act 
(Chap. 347) Act. No. 1 of 1969

Sec 21

Provides for the application of the Customs Ordinance.


Antiquities Ordinance (Chap.394), Ord.

No. 09 of 1940 Act No.24 of 1998


Act No.12 of 2005

Sec 16

Sec 36,37 
Sec 5


Sec 36

Declaration of Monuments prior to 2/3/1815 by the Minister.

Prohibition of export of antiquities except upon license issued by DG Archaeology

Amendment of Sec.16 as the ancient monument means
the monuments in existence not less than 100 years.
Provide for the application of the provisions of the Customs Ordinance.

Cultural Property Act
No. 73 of 1988

Sec 2



Sec 5


Sec 22
Sec 24 
Sec 29

Prohibition of export of cultural properties except upon license issued by Controller of Imports &Exports. Penalties,

Provides for the application of the provisions of the Customs Ordinance.

Registration of Cultural Property.
Examination of Cultural Property. Interpretations

National Archives Act (Chap 380).
Act No. 48 of 1973


Act No. 05 of 1976

Sec 12

Sec 14

Sec 24

Being a public record, document, or manuscript or any other printed matter which is over 50 years old & which is of a historical, cultural or literary value. 
Prohibition of export of national archives except upon a permit issued by DG National Archives. Interpretations.


United Nations Convention on the World Cultural & Natural Heritage(1972). D/A 16.11.1972 D/R 06.06.1980 Declaration of the Sites of World Cultural & Natural Heritage.


Laws Governing the Movements (Imports & Exports) of Fauna & Flora

1 Customs Ordinance (Chap 235)
Ordiance No.17 of 1869
Act No.02 of 2003
Section 12
Schedule B
Co-ordinates the application of written laws with the C.O.

2 Imports & Exports Control Act
Act No. 1 of 1968 (Chap 347)

Sec 21 Provides for the application of the C.o Stipulates

3 Fauna & Flora Protection Ordinance
Ord.No.02 of 1937(Chap 469)

Amend.Act No.49 of 1993Gazette Notification 1411/9 of 19.09.2005
Gazette Notification 1449/16 of 15.06.2006
Amend Act No,22 of 2009

Schedules I-V

Sec 45
Sec 45

Prohibition of imports & Exprots of Mammals,birds,reptiles,amphibians,fishs and invertebrates dead or alive or parts egges larvae etc.
* Permits only for scientific ourposes by Director General of Wildlife Covservation
4 Plant Protection Act
Act No. 35 of 1999
Gazette Notification 165/2 of 02.11.1981
Sec. 12/13 Prohibitation and restriction for impotation of plants,fruits seed,vegitables and their production ect. as per shedules.
5 Agricultural Products Ordinance
Ord.No.29 of 1939
Sec.05/07/08/15 Importation of Agricultural products
License from Commissioner of Agricultural for Ristricted Goods
6 Forset Conservation Ordinance (Chap.451)
Act No.65 of 2009
Sec 18
Sec 19
Exprots permits for forest produces, forest seeds and timber from Conserva or Genera of Forest.
Appliction of regulate ther exports of Timber & Forest Produces Punishments Ofr violation
Rubber Controls Act
Ord No.30 of 1930 Act No.11of 1956
Sec 23 Exprot permits requierd from controller of Rubber For any Living portion of a rubber plaant capable of propagation
8 Tea Control Act
Act No, 51 of 1957
Sec, 28 Exports permit requiered form Commissioner of Tea of any living portion of a Tea plant capable of propagation
9 Water Hyacinth Ordinance
Ordinance No.04 of 1909 (Chap 277)
Gazette Notification 43/4 of 22.07.1979
Sec.03/05/06/07 Prohibitation of the Importation of water-Hyacinth Power of Customes Officer
10 Poisonous, Opium & Dangerous Drug
Ord. no 17 of 1929
Act No, 22 of 1955 (Chap 218)
Sec.28/29/30/69/70 Prohibitiation against Import Exprot and Transition Poppy plants,Coca plants or Hemp plants or seeds, pods,leaves flowers or any part of any such plants
11 Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No, 02 1996
Extra. Ord.. Gazette Notification
No.1036/13 :16.07.1998
No.1098/3 :20.09.1999
No1123/2 :13.03.2000
No.1273/6 :27.01.200 3
No.1289/1 :21.07.2003
No.1665/16 :04.08.2010
  Schedule on prohibited, restricted Import & Export of Live fish
Schedule on prohibited, restricted Import & Export of Live fish Lobster Fisheries Management Regulation of 2000
Prohibit the importation of two species of live fish
Restriction on export of Chanks
Regulate exports of Sea Cucuber
12 Dried Meat Ordiance
Ord No. 19 of 1908 (Chap 480)
Act No. 22 of 1955
Sec 09 Prohibit the exportation of dried meat
13 Animal Diseases Act
Act No. 59 of 1992
Sec 21/33/34/38 Recommend to the Controller of Import & Export on the import & export of domestic animal,products & biological products etc.
14 Animal Feed Act
Act No.15 of 1986
Sec 5/9/15/22/23/25/31 Recommend to the controller of import & Export on Imp/ Exp of matters related to Animal Feed
15 Quarantine & Prevention of Diseases
Ord. No. 03 of 1897 Act No.12 of 1952
Sec 14 Security for expenses of certain persons landed from aircraft or vessel
Rabies Ordinance No.07 of 1893
(Chapter 575)Act. No 23 of 1956
Sec 14 Power of principal Collector of Custom when the rabies exist in dogs
Food Act No. 26 of 1980
Extra ord. Gazette Notification No. 1456/22.03.082006
Sec 32 Requierment approval from Chief Food Authority in import GMO as food for human consumption food with GMOs & food ingredients produced from GMOs

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