Nawadankulama Tank Sanctuary
This is a very large tank which dries during the dry season exposing large area of lake shore studded with small islandsof trees and shrubs. This is the southernmost location in the country where some of the species which are commonlyfound in the northern part of the country such as the Collared Dove, Indian Grey Partridge can be regularly sighted.It is also a location favoured by large flocks of migrant ducks. One could walk on the bund as well as drive down to the dried up tank shore. Meals & accommodation are available at the Puttalam Rest House and some private hotels.
How to get there: - Colombo - Negombo - Chilaw - look for a board on the left "Nawadankulama" at 105th km Post - turn right - 3km to the tank (3 hours).
BIRDS: Collared Dove, Indian Grey Partridge, Pintail, Gargeny, Osprey, Black-Tailed Godwit, Wood Sandpiper, Little Grebe,Cotton Teal, Common Coot, Brown Fish Owl, Grey-Headed Fish Eagle, White-Bellied Sea Eagle, Crested Hawk Eagle, CrestedSerpent Eagle, Black-Backed Yellow Woodpecker, Golden-Backed Woodpecker, Pied Kingfisher, Orange-Breasted GreenPigeon, Purple Heron, Grey Heron, Blue-Faced Malkoha, Indian Pitta, and Crested Tree Swift.