Gal-Oya National Park Sanctuary
This National Park was established in 1954 mainly to protect the catchment area of the SenanayakeSamudra Reservoir andhanded over to the Department of Wildlife Conservation in 1965. It is 25,900 hectares in extent. Approximately 45% of thepark is covered with forests, 33% with savannah, 9% grasslands and the balance with water bodies. The park does not have anybungalows within its premises but the Department offers one bungalow which is situated outside the park at EkgalAru. Thereare camp sites inside the park at Kossapola and "Makara". The latter being on the sandy banks of the Gal Oya overlooking thereservoir is one of the most scenic places to camp. The savannah forest areas can be approached from the Bibile-Ampara road witha turnoff at Karandugala to reach the Nilgala Wildlife beat office.
How to get there:- Colombo - Ratnapura - Pelmadulla - Godakawela - Udawalawa - Tanamalwila - Wellawaya - Moneragala - Inginiyagala.
BIRDS: Painted Partridge, Jungle Bush Quail, Yellow-Legged Green Pigeon, Ceylon Frogmouth, Brown Fish Owl, SouthernSirkeer, Scaly-Bellied Woodpecker, Brown-Capped Pygmy Woodpecker, Ceylon Spur Fowl, Southern Sirkeer, Racket-TailedDrongo, Crested Serpent & Crested Hawk Eagles, White-Bellied Sea Eagle, Grey-Headed Fish Eagle, Forest Eagle Owl, FishOwl, Little Scops Owl, Paradise Flycatcher, and Thick-Billed Flowerpecker.