Kumana-Yala East National Park
The water bodies and mangroves of Kumana provide particularly a very important habitat for birds. Block II of the park wasestablished in 1969 and Block I in 1970. The total extent of the park is 18,149 hectares with Block I consisting of 17,863hectares and Block II consisting only 265.3 hectares. The main feature, this park is renowned for is the 200-hectare mangroveswamp which teems with nesting birds in May-June. It is surrounded by plains and jungle. There are large saline lagoons alongthe coast, often surrounded by extensive plains. The vegetation is mostly semi-arid thorny scrub with large areas of dense forest.DWLC is in the process of rebuilding the bungalows in this park. The camp sites have to be pre-booked. There are many places to stay overnight in Arugambay/Pottuvil.
How To Get There:- 1) Colombo - Ratnapura - Pelmadulla - Godakawela - Thimbolketiya - Udawalawa - Tanamalwila -Wellawaya - Moneragala - Pottuvil - Panama - Okanda (Park Office) 2) Colombo - Ratnapura - Pelmadulla - Balangoda - Haldummulla - Beragala - Koslanda - Wellawaya - Moneragala - Pottuvil - Panama - Okanda (Park Office) ( 7-8 hours).
BIRDS: Lesser Whistling Teal, Spot-Billed Pelican, Openbill, Purple Coot, Pheasant-Tailed Jacana, Common Coot, Grey Heron,Purple Heron, Black-Winged Stilt, Yellow-Wattled Lapwing, Jungle Owlet, Black-Necked, White-Necked & Painted Storks, Pintail, Garganey, Common Red Shank, Greenshank, Wood, Common & Green Sandpipers etc.