Udawattekelle Forest Reserve

UdawattaKele is managed by the Department of Wildlife Conservation, 119 hectares in extent and protected as a forest reserve by the Forest Department. This is a very popular site among the birders in Kandy area. Vehicles are not permitted and tickets have to be obtained to enter the sanctuary. This is a tall, wet evergreen forest. The lake within the sanctuary attracts many species of birds that feed on fish.

How to get there:- Colombo -Kegalle -Kandy (take the road which goes up past the president's house to reach the entrance).

BIRDS: Indian Three-Toed Kingfisher, Stork-Billed Kingfisher, Common Kingfisher, Brown Fish Owl, Forest Eagle Owl, Wood Owl, CommonHill Mynah, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher, Green Leaf & Large-Billed LeafWarblers, Layard's Flycatcher, Paradise Flycatcher, Brown-CappedBabbler, Crimson-Backed Woodpecker, Yellow-Fronted Barbet,Layard's, Black-hooded Oriole, Alexandrine & Blossom-HeadedParakeets, Ceylon Lorikeet, Indian Pitta and many more

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