Victoria Randenigala Rantembe Sanctuary
This is the catchment area for the Victoria, Randenigala and Rantambe reservoirs that were built under the accelerated MahaweliDevelopment Scheme. The area enjoys protection as a sanctuary which comes under the purview of the Department of Wildlife Conservation and is 42,087 hectares in extent. The forested hills and the valleys as well as the large reservoirs and rivers make this area suitable for many species of forest birds and raptors. Accommodation is available at some private hotels and MahaveliBungalows.
How to get there:- Colombo -Kegalle -Kandy -Tennekumbura Bridge -Go straight to reach Raja Mawatha which goes through the sanctuary (4 1/2hours).
BIRDS: Thick-Billed Flowerpecker, Black-Headed Cuckoo Shrike, Large Cuckoo Shrike, Malabar Pied Hornbill, Ceylon Grey Hornbill, Orange Minivet, Indian Pitta, Ceylon Swallow, House Swift, Forest Eagle Owl, Brown Fish Owl, Black Eagle, RufousBelliedHawk Eagle, Crested Serpent & Crested Hawk Eagles, Black-Winged Kite, Crested Honey Buzzard, Ceylon Jungle Fowl, Rufus Woodpecker, Common Iora, Changeable Hawk Eagle, Green Leaf & Large-Billed Leaf Warblers and many more